Overview Music Magazine

Name: Amplify
Price: £2.80
Overall look: Mainly black and white, with gothic images, more images than text, bold writing and in your face, glossy background
Target Audience: 18-25 but a variety
Gender: Mainly male but females also
Mode of address: slang (abbreviated words) but included with rock jargon, more question than answer also included in the magazine
Included in: There will be my main bad (eyes wide shut) and then other bands included as cover lines that I haven’t got yet
The reader: is going to get involved by relating the stories back to them using maybe the words (you) to make them feel involved
Inside: there will be competitions, quizzes and even a page for opinions on bands etc included inside, there is going to be promotions on other DVDs coming out and music that is available to buy etc.
Freebies: there may be either a CD or a chance to win tickets to a gig nearby.