Points to Consider

Points to consider
Who will be my target audience?
I am basing my magazine around the target audience of the school 6th form and what i find they shall find interesting, therefore including items that they would like to see. By doing 6th form i think that i am going to be able to easily relate to them and have a great understanding in what i think shall be included in the magazine that shall draw there attention  and make them want to pick up the magazine.
What will the name of your magazine be?
I have chosen to go for the name of ‘yours’ for my 6th form magazine, i have chosen this as it shall be a free magazine therefore stating the obvious of their magazine and no one else’s. This i believe shall draw their attention as it shall be in big bold letters. This name has only the connection to the school students of Brentwood County High.
What will be on the front cover?
On the front cover i am aiming to have a picture of some of the 6th formers that attend my school in their new uniforms outside school based around the task of how students have settled into the new scheme of 6th form at Brentwood County High and how well it is going for the students. Also on the cover i may feature another story line to attract the reader such as secondary lead stories and free gifts for prizes for competitions that are involved in my magazine.
What will be on your contents page?
On my contents page i am going to included headlines of main stories that are further in the magazine, starting with my main story of 6th form and how students are getting on with it. Then going onto my next story included in the magazine, maybe upcoming events that may attract the reader.