

1. What would you like to be included in a 6th form magazine?

2. What would you like the content to be about ?
    'School life'  or ' out of school scenarios'

3. What sort of subjects would you like the magazine to include?
-School plays
-Academic reviews
-Events out of school

4.If you stated other, what other subjects would you like to be included into your 6th form magazine?

5. What would grab your attention on the front cover, to make you want to pick it up and have a look?

6. Would you be prepared to buy this magazine or expect it to be free?
'free' or 'buy it'

Overall throughout my questionairre i found that many 6th Form Students would like to have more than just school based subjects in the magazine to want to buy it such as fashion but they would like it mainly based on school issues to keep up to date. Also they would like to have on the front cover they would want a large attractive picture with bold writting to draw them in and make them want to read the magazine, therefore i have decided to have a large image that the 6th formers can relate to and want to read it, they have also said they would rather the magazine to be free for them to pick up at any time.