Evaluation of Preliminary Task

I think that throughout my magazine it went well, but there were also some problems that needed to be fixed such as, due to the background of nature scenery it was hard to choose 3 colours to suit it and be able to stand out and easily for the reader to understand it, also with the colour of the people involved clothing was hard to decide which text should be placed where. I overcame this by putting boxes in some areas which stand out to the reader and are easily visible to understand. My main heading was hard to place on the front cover as there was many colours behind for it to be suitable, but overall I managed to place it suitable with the right font to suit the target audience, also the colour links in with the 3 colour rule on a magazine.
At first I didn’t know where to place my puff and if it should stand out more than other texts, but overall I choose to make the puff along the bottom of the page in a box so it is easier to read and by it being in a box the audience are drawn to it, and want to pick up the magazine as it is including offers for them. I also placed the date of production in a small box underneath the main heading so that it could not be missed, and the audience knows the information included is up to date.
I think that my magazine suits the target audience as the main image links in with the 6th form students as they may know them wanting them to read on, also it is not too childish making them not want to read, but at the same time doesn’t have too much text on the front to bore them but enough to want to read on.
Through this preliminary task I have learnt how to work well with fireworks and produce an effective magazine cover and contents page, this will help with my main task as I have become more aware how to use it effectively, but in the future I believe I will move text etc at different angles to make the magazine more inviting to the reader and want to read on.